About Us

We are more than a team of virtual assistants. We are the SUPER SQUAD of well managed virtual assistants who go extra miles to achieve excellence and

The Birth of Rozi Academy!!

Ever wondered what happens when two fabulous entrepreneurial spirits meet after a long time??

They join hands and create something amazing and awe inspiring.

The 2020 has significant for Rozi Academy because, amidstthe recession and turmoil, two friends thought about combining the business ideas and technology together tomake a FANTASTIC team of virtual assistants who can create something amazing for the world!!!

The ideas was to make

A well-managed team of virtual assistants who have the ability to scale up any business!!!

The aim of Rozi Academy is to help business owners, small or big, scale up and delegate tasks without sweating. Rozi academy’s aim is to provide top virtual assistant services to the world. Our company has the dream of making the Pakistan, the best outsourcing country and providing substantial remote employment opportunities for the youth!!So, back in 2020, Rozi Academy popped up in London, UK and started helping people from all over the world. It’s crazy how technology can bring us all together like that, right?


Team Members


Attended Meetings


& Market Analysis


Delivered Projects


Team Members


& Development wing


Attended Meetings


Delivered Projects

Our Clients

Here are few of the Awesome Clients that we have worked for so far!

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